Money is Attracted to You When Your Mind is Open to Receiving It
Hi, my name is Randy Charach -
And just a few years ago I knew someone who had kind of a strange problem…
It was so ingrained, it was almost pathological…
Their friends even used to joke about it, but it didn't make a difference, they just kept doing it…
Following some kind of strange compulsion. Here's what it was…
Every time the attempted to attract money…
Every time, no matter, what they would mentally block it from happening.
Like I said, they used to joke about it, but the reason behind it was no joke. You see…
The reason they always psychologically sabotage themselves when they wanted to attract money was because…
When they were younger, they were conditioned with scarcity beliefs around money.
So there was actually a logical reason for their “strange habit.” To make matters worse...
Even though they were not happy about this habit, and in fact often felt ashamed they were doing it…
There seemed to be no way they could stop it. When I met them, they already tried…
They listen to motivational speakers and read books on attracting money, and even saw a counselor for help, but no matter what they did…
The habit would always come back - sometimes even worse than before!
They were desperate to end this cycle that was slowly but surely destroying their life…
Yet, this unbearable situation plagued them for years, until one day…
Something happened that changed everything forever, in the space of only 16 minutes.
And no, it wasn't some fairy godmother descending out of the sky and casting a spell ;) Here's what really happened…
They were surfing the Internet one cold, rainy day, and as they listened to the raindrops hitting the pavement outside…
It hit them. They suddenly realized, no matter what they were change on the surface level…
No matter how much they “wanted” to solve their problem consciously…
There had to be something going on underneath all this, something deep in their subconscious…
That was keeping them stuck right where they were, in this endless loop of “trigger and reaction”…
The strange thing was, they didn't even know when they saw the ad for my hypnosis sessions what it was that had caused all this in the first place…
All they knew was, it has to be very deep-seated, as it was nothing they could do to stop it, even when they wanted to.
It was just at this crucial moment that they happened to see an ad for my money and prosperity mind-power program.
Now, you should understand that at the time when this happened, in 2007, although I was still seeing clients one-on-one...
Because I happened to be a very good hypnotist, I was always overbooked (even at $1000 per session). However…
When they reached out to me, I felt I simply had to do something. So, a few days later, I had a cancellation, and…
We met on Skype, and “zoned out” for 16 minutes, will I used hypnosis to “re-program” their brain to stop sabotaging them…
And do exactly what THEY wanted it to, instead! :)
So the question is: did it work? Well…
Let's just say that the very next time I heard from them…
They were attracting money, they had new sources of income from areas they hadn't even imagine before…
And they were on their way to becoming financially independent…
The funny part is…nothing else in their lives had changed. They were still the same person…
Same charming personality, same home, same job, same friends…
Except now they were able to afford the kind of lifestyle they deserved! All because they’d decided to give hypnosis a try that one rainy day.
So. Why am I telling you all this?
Because today, YOU may be in a very similar position to where they were on that day. You may be struggling just like they were…
And so today, I want to create the same kind of dramatic, yet lasting change they experienced that day, when they had their “aha” moment…
Because the truth is, THAT was the true turning point for them… and I believe it can be for you too. So, without further adieu…
Here's what I'm going to do for you today…
First, I want you to clearly imagine…
What it will be like when you are able to solve this mental money block problem permanently?…
Can you imagine attracting money fluidly and easily, without the blocks that are there now…
Imagine living the life you want without having to struggle to make your next dollar…
How amazing would it feel if you were able to finally break through this endless cycle of frustration and helplessness…
And enjoy life on a level you've only dreamed of up to now?…
Whatever your hopes and dreams for your future, I know this can happen for you...
But you MUST begin at the subconscious level, or no matter how much progress you make in the future, you will always “somehow” lose it all again… until you make a permanent change.
Fortunately, today, the stars are in your favor :-) Because YOU don't have to try to reach me and “hope” you can book an appointment for a session.
Because if you take action in the next 60 seconds, I can actually program your brain to change from a scarcity to an abundance mindset and attract money…right now!
You see, I’ve just created a brand new, 16 minute hypnosis session designed to help you attract money effortlessly…
It's going to flip the switch from you subconsciously repelling money to naturally attract money like clockwork. So, starting tomorrow…
You too can finally claim the happiness and freedom you’ve seen others enjoy, but wondered if you'd ever be able to truly experience…
Well, now it's YOUR TURN :-)
I'm calling it The Attract Money Hypnosis Session, and it’s specifically engineered to program your mind to attract money 24/7.
And that's just the first time you listen to it! You can listen to it as many times, and program your subconscious to attract money, as many times as you like. Now…
Here's how this is going to work.
First - this Attract Money hypnosis video session includes 3 of the most powerful and effective techniques I've ever recorded…
Second - This session should really cost $1000 (my rate over 10 years ago, when I actually had time to do one-on-one sessions), and in the future I plan to offer it for that as a single download.
Third - Because it’s crucial for you to “switch your brain” over as quickly as possible, I'm not going to charge you $1000.
In fact, if you claim your session BEFORE this video closes, I’m going to give you the Attract Money Video Session, along with 2 Bonus Videos for just $98
And on top of that, I’ll even include my 30 day, iron-clad 100% Satisfaction Guarantee…
Which means, if you don't like The Attract Money Session for any reason, or feel it wasn't worth $98, I’ll refund every penny.
However, if it makes the difference in your situation I think it will, all I ask is you send me a testimonial someday, telling me about the day things changed permanently for you!
Fair enough?
Either you make the switch from not enough money to more than enough money, or you don’t.
If you're happy with the results, then keep your session, listen to it as often as you like, and you owe me nothing more, ever.
If you don’t, then just email me and let me know, and you’ll be out zero dollars.
In fact, I’ll even let you keep the session! How fair is that?
So you see, you have absolutely nothing to lose in giving this a shot…
…And a whole new world of freedom and happiness to gain.
Sound good? Then join us now, before this video closes out, and I'll send you access to ‘The Attract Money Video Session’ and 2 Bonus Videos instantly!
Attract Money Before
Attract Money Session
Attract Money After
Attract Money Before
Attract Money Session
Attract Money After
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