Body Mastery 8 Day Healing
A powerful hypnosis program for mind/body health
Learn the powerful method of healing your body and mind with Hypnotherapy. Wendi Friesen uses the science of how the brain creates healing in the body, using well researched and proven methods.
Are you struggling with health issues, pain and illness?
Is your immune system weak and you are constantly sick?
Do you have a serious illness and need to restore a positive attitude?
Would you like to learn Mind/Body Healing to create a powerful state of health?
It is true- Your state of mind, your thought, your beliefs and your attitude all contribute to your health.
Your immune system is dramatically affected by stress, inner turmoil, anger and fear.
It may be possible. This program is really unique. I have developed it over the last two years with my clients, and I have seen the results first hand. Yes, it is amazing. When you release your limitations and explore the potential that we have to communicate with the cells in our body, most anything is possible.
I am very excited about this program. For those who are looking for a way to create excellent health, or to heal a physical ailment... this might be the answer.
Start today. Healing method based on the science of mind and body communication.
Hi Wendi-
Dearest Wendi,
A couple of months ago I e-mailed you and asked If any of your programs could help me with a specific skin condition (keratosis pilaris). You recommended the Body Mastery Program specifically because of the skin hologram. Well I did the program for 30 days and focused mostly on the skin hologram. My mom and son commented on how clear my skin looked. Not as red or bumpy. Over the next few weeks my skin has improved, I would have to say about 70%. It looks better and feels better. I am so extremely grateful that I found you and don't know how to thank you enough. Because of this my whole outlook has changed. THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU. You have a wonderful gift. Because of this, hypnosis is suddenly becoming overwhelmingly interesting to me. What I mean Is I can't get enough on the subject (books, articles etc.) I think I am overwhelming my brain on the subject! I am even considering to go into this field. - Joanne
Hi Wendi,
I wrote you back in June about having trouble with breathing due to an illness called COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease) and you suggested I try the Body Mastery program which has helped me very much. With my breathing under better control and not having to take the steroids as much as I use to I had released 40 pounds this year . I started releasing weight after coming to your seminars you had on weight release at the beginning of the year. I then purchased the weight release program and have since lost another 20 pounds since August and am still releasing. My family doctor had nothing but praise when I saw him recently. I could not have done it without you and I thank you from the bottom of my heart. Thank you and take care, Donna
1. Disk of Light
2. Intro to Secondary Gain
3. Secondary Gain
4. Intro to the Physical Body
5. Physical Hologram
6. Intro to the Emotional Body
7. Emotional Hologram
8. Intro to Mental Hologram
9. Mental Hologram Healing
10. Into to Spiritual and Energetic Healing
11. Energy Body Hologram, healing wisdom
12. Intro to Targeted Healing
13. Targeted Healing Hologram, for specific condition
14. Intro to Brain Blueprint for Youth
15. Brain Blueprint, restore a more youthful brain.
Wendi Friesen
Body Mastery - day 2
FREE PREVIEWDay 2 - Intro to Secondary gain
Day 2 - Secondary gain session
Body Mastery - Day 3
Day 3 - Intro to Physical Holograph
Day 3 - Physical Holograph Session
Body Mastery day 4
Day 4 - Intro to Emotional Holograph
Day 4 - Emotional Holograph Session
Body Mastery - Day 5
Day 5 - Mental holograph Intro
Day 5 - Mental Holograph Session
Body Mastery - Day 6
Day 6 - Spiritual Holograph Intro
Day 6 - Spiritual Holograph Session
Body Mastery - Day 7
Day 7 - Intro to Targeted Healing
Day 7 - Targeted Healing Session
Body Mastery - Day 8
Day 8 - Intro to Brain Blueprint
Day 8 - Brain Blueprint Session
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