Reduce Stress & Anxiety. Live a Healthier & Happier Life As You Find It Easy to Relax.

One of the most important aspects of healthy living is the ability to relax. Relaxing and letting go of everyday tensions is vital if we're to avoid stress-related ailments and illnesses.

A balanced lifestyle helps us cope with those unexpected and upsetting events. Relaxing properly is an essential ingredient of this.

Learning to relax truly is perhaps the most important thing any of us can learn to do. It's the basis of true health and balance. It's importance can never be overestimated.

Do you feel uncomfortable in crowds, even small ones?

Do you get nervous when it comes to meeting new people?

Are you the type to stay up all night worrying about an appointment the next day?

It dampens our lives when we spend so much time worrying and stressing over what is yet to come. The fear of the unknown, the anxiety of a new meeting, the weight of a problem...

These are things that can disturb our sleep and make us unfocused and distracted. In the long run make us very unproductive, and unhappy people!

If you feel it's a struggle to fully relax and let go of everything, at least just for a while, then this guided relaxation hypnosis session is for you.

Relaxation can create many benefits in your life. Your health is significantly reduced when you're under pressure or dealing with stress. Your immune system is compromised when stress is attacking your natural antibodies, and you're unable to rest properly.

Many health problems can arise from simply not being able to relax.

Migraine headaches are a common result of stress. Millions of people suffer from them each year. In most cases, doctors are unable to offer a reason behind them or a cure for them.

Stress can create high blood pressure which can lead to heart disease, and even produce poor results for patients trying to fight cancer.

Learning to relax properly is paramount.

Relax, unwind, let your mind and your body feel better!

We all want to relax and have tried many different relaxation methods, such as yoga, massage, reading, aromatherapy.

These can all work. I suggest you try as many safe ways you come across to relax more deeply and more often. Sometimes it's hard to find the time or motivation, or funds to do some of these things.

Many activities are great ways to relax for a short period. However, you're taking a dose of relaxation that will wear off as soon as the treatment is finished.

Hypnosis is a method used to induce relaxation techniques that you will carry with you forever. You can program your mind by entering the subconscious and removing the fears, anxieties, and stresses that render you unable to relax.

Hypnosis enters you into a deeply relaxed state of mind. Behavioral changes can be accessed through your subconscious. The redevelopment of your subconscious mind will create changes in your life that will last indefinitely.

My guided relaxation hypnosis session is available to you on demand. You'll be reminded what relaxation feels like. I'll help you to experience a more profound state of relaxation than you've ever felt before.

Look, stress can kill you and shorten your life. This is a fact; it's medically proven. Relaxation will increase your lifespan and allow you to not only live longer but to enjoy your life much more.

Through this guided relaxation session, you'll be able to reduce tension and stress by speaking directly to your subconscious mind. Your thoughts, emotions, and ideas are stored in your subconscious so when you present it with healthy, positive ideas, thoughts, and affirmations; you'll evoke a positive response.

You'll feel immediate results from this session. And, more importantly, you'll discover new positive and healthy techniques to allow your mind as well as your body to remain relaxed. Even in stressful situations.

So, take advantage of reduced pricing, bonus videos, and our 30 days, 100% money-back guarantee.


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About the instructor

Certified NLP Practitioner, Hypnotist & Hypnotherapist


Randy Charach helps people reprogram their mind to attract an abundance of happiness and prosperity. He’s a certified hypnotist, hypnotherapist, and practitioner of neurolinguistic programming (NLP). He walks his talk. By the age of 24, Randy made his first million dollars. He now has a self-made, 8 figure net worth. Randy combines his experience, skills, and knowledge with his advanced hypnotic methods to lead others to health, wealth, and happiness.Since 1995, with the release of Randy’s first series of hypnosis audios, he has helped thousands of people reach new heights in their life. To access Randy for a single Skype hypnosis session, you would pay up to $1000 or more. Now, you can reap the benefit of Randy’s hypnosis sessions for a tiny fraction of that investment in your financial future. Randy’s video sessions give you Randy-on-Demand. You can now enjoy his powerful, life-changing programs anytime, and as often as you want. Register for one of Randy’s amazing hypnosis sessions right now.

Course Curriculum

  • 1

    Guided Relaxation - Before Session: Bonus Video

    • Guided Relaxation Before

  • 2

    Guided Relaxation Hypnosis Session

    • Guided Relaxation Session

  • 3

    Guided Relaxation - After Session: Bonus Video

    • Guided Relaxation After Session

  • 4

    FREE BONUS: Audio - MP3 Downloads

    • Guided Relaxation Before

    • Guided Relaxation Session

    • Guided Relaxation After

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