FREE GIFTS- 2 Bonus Hypnosis sessions! See below...

This series of videos is all about your brain, your mind, your thoughts and how it all works. We want to learn how to make changes in the way our brain/mind processes thoughts, memories and expectations for the future. How do we do this?

First, we have to understand how our brain works and how it affects our body, emotions, memories and experiences.

My fascination with hypnosis has given me a great curiosity about WHY hypnosis makes such big changes in our lives and HOW it achieves this on a biological level.

Most of the miraculous changes that hypnosis creates are almost impossible to understand. But as we are discovering the new science of our brain, mind and body, we can put the pieces together. And doing this allows us to create better methods and processes for overcoming life's difficult problems.

We also get to find out how to achieve more, be stronger, happier, smarter and just rock this life we are living.

Enjoy this series. Be sure to TELL YOU FRIENDS to come here and get in on this valuable information.

BONUSES- A $29 value!
Self Hypnosis session audio
Brain Massage hypnosis audio, to Manifest Everything

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About the instructor

Hypnotist Extraordinaire

Wendi Friesen

A worldwide leader in creating rapid change for life's difficult problems.Since 1994 has influenced the lives of millions worldwide and brought insight, wisdom and spiritual growth to people in need.Wendi is described by her colleagues as a powerful healer, teacher and a creative marketing expert, she is one of the most loved transformational trainers in the world.Wendi is on a mission to change the way the world treats addiction. The crisis of addiction is one she takes personally and her success in helping those who've lost hope is proof that she can change theminds, hearts and lives of addicts and their families.My MissionIt is remarkable what the mind can do when given the right stuff. My recorded programs use powerful therapy that rewires the neural pathways in the brain and results in amazing outcomes.I am committed to breaking new ground in the treatment of addiction. After numerous frustrating attempts to help my son with years of addiction, I created apowerful program that is based on the new science of how the brain can be changed through meditation, hypnosis, NLP and energetic methods.It is not enough to just end your addiction, it is about building a valuable and exciting life and restoring your heart and soul. Locking someone in a treatment center for 30 days and drivingthem to AA meetings does nothing to change the emotional, mental and physical destruction that an addict endures. Loving family members have few choices when seeking a treatment that creates deep and lasting change.I am training therapists, counselors and addiction centers to usepowerful methods that they can implement in their centers. It is time to open our eyes to the reality that most addiction treatment has less than a 10% success rate.It is time for a change.

Course Curriculum

  • 1

    New Chapter

    • How Your Brain Works, part 1.

    • How Your Brain Works, part 2

    • How Your Brain Works, Part 3

    • How Your Brain Works, part 4

    • How Your Brain Works, part 5

    • How Your Brain Works, part 6

    • Self Hypnosis Intro- audio

    • Self Hypnosis audio session

    • Manifest Everything- Brain Massage intro audio

    • Brain Massage hypnosis session

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