Original Fat Loss 4 U Why So Are There Many FAT Nurses, Doctors, Nutritionists, Hypnotists?
Previously Only Available to Professional Hypnotists Learn The Secrets They Paid Top Dollar For!
Do You Hate Looking in The Mirror?
Have You tried EVERY DIET only to Get Fatter?
Are You Tired of Buying Fat Clothes?
Are You Sick and Tired of Being Fat and Miserable?
You dream of being Thin and Healthy, you long to be a healthy fit happy person, but We keep getting fatter and fatter. We eat right, exercise but we are stuck.
Its not your fault, the things we have been told are lies and do not work. The stuff from the government, the food industry, and even most so called experts do not know how to get the fat off and keep it off!. That is why there are so many fat Nurses, Doctors, Nutritionists and Hypnotists> .
You know there seems to be an industry and a group of people who try everything to keep us fat and miserable.
I am like you I gained weight, and worked out more, ate better, but got bigger, WHY? I had to find the answer so when I did I developed this for all of us.
I am the Hypnotist to the Hypnotists, the Therapist to the therapists and I got frantic calls from professionals wanting help.
People look to Nutritionists, Nurses, Doctors, Hypnotists, NLPers, and other professionals to help them with a problems over 60% of the population has, WEIGHT & FAT. Yet many of the professionals have fallen into the same old trap, they are not the best examples of the power of what we do!
People "judge" you on what they see first, what image to you project?
We are not Immune, I had to lay on the bed to zip my pants !We Want to Help People and our basic NLP & Hypnosis skills do that, we help others lose weight & get in shape, yet many of us seem stuck. We want to be Living examples, we want to walk the talk, yet we have fallen into the old traps.
WE DREAM OF BEING THAT LEAN HEALTHY Model for our clients, and others.
What happened? It is not your fault, you have fallen into the same revolving door of lose weight, gain weight, as the population, and IT IS A CAREFULLY PLANNED AND MANIPULATED PROGRAM that we all need help to break through. I know that you, like me, want to end this cycle for yourself and others, But the INFORMATION YOU NEED HAS BEEN HIDDEN FROM YOU, let me help you BECAUSE :
NOW 170 pounds, 12% Body Fat and feel better than I have in 20 Years. Lean mean Hypno Machine again. I did it and have helped hundreds of other professionals caught in the trap, let me help you!
Break the cycle and become a MODEL of success! Learn who the true enemies and manipulators are and how to defeat them.
Reveal to me YOUR real solution -- the unique twist that makes you newsworthy and special.
I only gave this info to professional Hypnotists and have hundreds lose wieght. Learn what they paid many hundreds of dollares for, NOW available to the general public for the first time.
I could not do this UNTIL I DROPPED THAT UNWANTED FAT, now is time to Fly Free!
Dr. William Horton
Module 1
Module 2
Module 3
Module 4
Module 5
Module 6
Module 7
Module 8
Module 9
Module 10
Module 11
Module 12
Ideal Body Image
A New Thin You
Exercise Motivator
Control Stress Eating
Stop Closet Eating
Stop Night Eating
Portion Control
Reinventing Yourself
DEmo Intro
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