Think And Grow Rich!
Audio Book and Hypnosis Course
$79 Get this course for only $39
This is a great opportunity to understand the most powerful wealth message known to man and woman.
Napoleon Hill interviewed hundreds of millionaires and spent over 20 years finding out what makes people wealthy.
If you ignore this powerful information you might stay stuck forever.
The Classic Book from 1927
Read aloud by Wendi Friesen
You close your eyes and embed the principles, create motivation, desire, focus and action in your Subconscious mind. You will be unstoppable!
Mainly because the information is from such a long time ago, yet it applies to every person and every situation today. The same principles, beliefs, actions and mindset are what propel people to greatness and wealth. It is very inline with my own teaching in creating wealth and abundance.
Listen to this audio book while you are driving, working, walking or doing work. I read it word for word, including the entire text that Napoleon wrote. I was inspired while I read it. I felt motivated. I renewed my sense of purpose and passion. I think you will enjoy it a lot.
The book is written in the male gender, using only references to MAN in the text. I wanted to retain the original writing, and I invite to you to let your mind feel that the word MAN or MEN is about men and women and that no gender bias was intended.
If you have not yet purchased the audio book, buy it now.
Get ready for a long and wonderful experience listening.
You will get instant access to the audio download page and you can download each chapter as you are ready.
You can download it one chapter at a time, or download all the files at once.
All 15 Chapters read word for word by Wendi!
Chapter 1 — Introduction
Chapter 2 — Desire: The Turning Point of All Achievement
Chapter 3 — Faith Visualization of, and Belief in Attainment of Desire
Chapter 4 — Auto-Suggestion the Medium for Influencing the Subconscious Mind
Chapter 5 — Specialized Knowledge, Personal Experiences or Observations
Chapter 6 — Imagination: the Workshop of the Mind
Chapter 7 — Organized Planning, the Crystallization of Desire into Action
Chapter 8 — Decision: the Mastery of Procrastination
Chapter 9 — Persistence: the Sustained Effort Necessary to Induce Faith
Chapter 10 — Power of the Master Mind: the Driving Force
Chapter 11 — The Mystery of Sex Transmutation
Chapter 12 — The Subconscious Mind: The Connecting Link
Chapter 13 — The Brain: A Broadcasting and Receiving Station for Thought
Chapter 14 — The Sixth Sense: The Door to the Temple of Wisdom
Chapter 15 — How to Outwit the Six Ghosts of Fear
$39 + over $60 of bonuses as a gift to you!
1. You get the entire audio book
2. 15 Hypnosis Meditation audios and action sessions to go with each chapter
3. Intention- Hypnosis for Power and Influence, Love, Health
4. Manifest Everything- Brain Massage hypnosis session
If you have been stuck, unmotivated, working too hard and need a BIG shift, just go here and buy the course. You will get instant access to the entire audio book in any easy format. You can download it one chapter at a time, or download all the files at once.
Wendi Friesen
Think and Grow Rich - Chapter 3 —Faith Visualization of, and Belief in Attainment of Desire
Ch3 Faith Meditation - Listen after you finish Chapter 3
Chapter 4- Think and Grow Rich- Auto Suggestion
Ch 4- Auto-Suggestion-Meditation
Think and Grow Rich - Chapter 5 —Specialized Knowledge, Personal Experiences or Observations
Ch5 Meditation- Specialized Knowledge
Think and Grow Rich - Chapter 6 —Imagination: the Workshop of the Mind
Ch6 meditation- Imagination
Think and Grow Rich - Chapter 7 —Organized Planning, the Crystallization of Desire into Action
Ch 7 meditation- Organized Planning
Think and Grow Rich - Chapter 8 —Decision: the Mastery of Procrastination
Ch8 meditation- Procrastination
Think and Grow Rich - Chapter 9 —Persistence: the Sustained Effort Necessary to Induce Faith
Ch9 meditation Persistence
Think and Grow Rich - Chapter 10 —Power of the Master Mind: the Driving Force
Ch10 meditation-The Mastermind
Think and Grow Rich - Chapter 11 — The Mystery of Sex Transmutation
Ch11 meditation- Sex Transmutation
Think and Grow Rich Chapter 12 The Subconscious Mind: The Connecting Link
Ch12 meditation - The subconscious mind
Think and Grow Rich Chapter 13 — The Brain: A Broadcasting and Receiving Station for Thought
Ch13 meditation- sending and receiving thought
Think and Grow RIch Chapter 14 — The Sixth Sense: The Door to the Temple of Wisdom
Ch14 meditation - Temple of Wisdom and Boardroom
Think and Grow Rich - Chapter 15 — How to Outwit the Six Ghosts of Fear
Ch15 meditation - Ghosts of Fear and my gratitude for you and our experience together! Have a fantastic life!
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