Reformat Your Mental Hard Drive To Think Rich & Be Rich.
Hi, I'm Randy Charach.
Let's look at what it means to think rich. First, rich will mean something different to me, than it will to you.
For some, it may or may not involve money. Although, it usually does.
Money itself can be used to provide us with many forms of riches.
And, with money, different amounts are considered to be riches to different people; and at different stages in our life.
To get rich, you'll need to think rich. You can start off by acting as though you're already rich.
This way of being will come through in your habits and your ways of looking at your relationship with money.
Act as if you're already rich. Start living that way, and you'll notice incredible, positive changes in your life.
You'll notice, as you think rich, you become rich.
Harness the incredible power of positive thinking and visualization...
Now, I'm a realist...
Yes, I live by the force of the mind. I also realize, just thinking about something is unlikely to have it manifest in our lives.
Positive intention is your foundation. That intention must then carry on in your daily activities.
Easier said than done though...
When you have negative emotions and thoughts regarding being rich, you need to delete them from your mental hard drive.
When you think poor, you slow down the progress to think rich. Without replacing your poverty thinking with a rich consciousness, you'll find yourself fighting a battle you just can't win.
You see, your subconscious mind is already infected with thoughts like "I can't afford this," or "There's never enough money."
Because you've been thinking this way for so long, these thoughts have manifested to create your current reality.
Your subconscious mind has control over your actions....
Just think about how you can drive from point A to B without consciously thinking about every turn, every stop, every acceleration of the gas pedal.
Your subconscious is navigating, while your thinking mind is analyzing, doubting, and worrying.
Your subconscious mind is infinitely more powerful than your conscious mind.
To help out, I've developed a new hypnosis session to make it easy and relaxing for you to rest your thoughts while reformatting your mental hard drive.
With this session, as you enter a calm state of hypnosis, and you will; your subconscious mind will be open. It will be receptive to replacing poverty thinking, with rich thought.
As you begin to think rich, and as my special think rich, hypnotic suggestions and affirmations sink in, you'll naturally visualize yourself as being rich.
You'll naturally begin to act rich. This way of acting, in turn, will dictate new, rich thinking behavior. And, this, in turn, will manifest into your new reality.
It won't take much time out of your day. I construct all my sessions to use the minimum time needed. In this case, you need only 16 minutes to relax and receive your think rich, hypnotic suggestions.
Hypnosis is a lot like meditation. They both relax your mind. The big difference between hypnosis and meditation is the intention of your session.
And, you don't have to worry about any of that. I guide you through each step, as if I were right there in the room with you. All you have to do is relax.
Just listen to your think rich session at least once a day for just a couple weeks. You'll notice results, and others around you will see a difference.
I urge you to trust this process. Have faith. I sure do, and that's why you can have the think rich hypnosis session, along with some helpful bonus items, at no financial risk to you.
Just try this today, and for the next 30 days. If for any reason, or no reason at all, you want a refund, it's yours for the asking. 100% Guaranteed!
Thanks for taking this time with me. And, I look forward to seeing you over in the think rich hypnosis session, in just a few minutes from now.

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