How many more times are you going to

look at the scale and be mad at yourself?

Have you given up on getting your
emotional eating in control?

Are you hungry all the time and
can't stop eating?

Please spend 10 minutes
a day with me on video.

When you wake up in the morning, you will join me on the 7 day challenge to change everything about the way you eat, one small change each day.

Easy? Extremely.

Lose weight? Immediately - in fact you might be shocked at how much my members lose in their first week.

I am a hypnotist who has created some powerful methods to stop your hunger and put you back in control. Best part? You will feel great starting on day 1!

Have you ever wished you had a magic wand?

This might be it. Here's why.

Do you really want to put that in your mouth?

In 10 minutes a day you can change everything about your eating style and habits.

The 7 day Challenge is easy because it is only 5 minutes in the morning and 10 minutes at night. And the hypnosis session will totally change the way you feel about food forever.

The Top Secret 5 foods that are Making you fat.

Never, ever eat these 5 foods.

1- High fructose corn syrup
Read every label, this is the ingredient that interferes with your hormone that tells your brain that you are full. This one ingredient is suspected of being responsible for our obesity epidemic. Read your label. If you eat this you will stay hungry!

2- White bread
It is basically like eating sugar. It is stripped of everything good and has only starch that turns to sugar immediately in your body and spikes your blood sugar. Other white foods are bad, but sugar and white bread are the worst.

3- Breakfast
Cereal can be the worst thing to eat! Eating the sugary breakfast foods or the fast food egg McCrap (500 calories in a Mcgriddle!) in the morning and you are doomed! When you start eating this amazing nutrient rich, super food smoothy for breakfast you will burn fat and have a clear head.

4- MSG
Scary stuff to feed us... and it is hidden in a lot of foods. It affects your weight, and it is used to make laboratory animals fat without increasing their food intake! It affects the hunger and weight control centers of the brain. And your body will feel bad after eating it, rather that the energy you get from really good foods.

5- Soda and Coffee
The acid balance in your cells determines if your cells will release fat or hold onto the fat. Diet soda is bad, and just because it is sugar free doesn't make it good for you. The alkalinity level of your body will make the fat fly off your body.

Limit the amount of coffee, but even better switch to green tea. And use fresh lemon (lots of it!) in your water to alkanlinize your cells and lose fat fast!

I will take you on a seven day journey to change ONE small thing each day.

Watch a short video in the morning with the challenge and get excited about doing something different... consciously... on purpose.

Listen to the Hypnosis Audio session that evening and embed the change so it is permanent.

This combination is amazing, since you will spend the day being aware of one thing, changing it easily, and then creating a permanent new habit in your brain in the evening when you listen the hypnotic embedding session.

Sound fun?
Yes, it is fun.

Will it be easy?
You bet. Only one small commitment each day.

How will it feel?
Amazing, actually. When you realize how powerful you are and how it feels to have a totally new way to think about food, you will feel in control and release weight naturally.

Read what people are saying that have taken the 7-Day Challenge:
I felt happy rather than judgmental. Each day was easy, do-able......and then...*poof*...automatic! Stop fighting with yourself! Go see Wendi, she can help you do it EASILY by changing your mind about how you feel about food.

- Gail
Wendi, your programs are wonderful, and weight loss is like an extra added bonus. Your weight loss programs address so many issues that have to do with why people are overweight, those that are deep in the subconscious mind that most people are unaware of, or have forgotten about. And they teach you how to become healthy, happy, and thin. They just feel so right, so natural. I haven't ever found a program so complete that encompasses mind, body, and spirit. You, and your programs are exquisite!

- Carol lost 11 pounds In the first week
I didn't feel overwhelmed with the changes! The morning video set the stage for the day and the evening hypno helped reinforce it... awesome! I found this to be a great way not only to release weight and make foundational changes but to release baggage and a poor mindset. I love Wendi's common sense approach and her humor throughout as well as her gentle but firm "nudges." I do want to say though that the thing that truly astounded me was that I lost nine pounds in spite of the fact that this was one of the craziest, most hectic week filled with twists and turns and challenges that had absolutely nothing to do with this 7 day program. Because of the craziness I cannot honestly say I followed the program fully, BUT, I did the best I could and I am incredibly happy with the results. The fact of the matter is, with the kind of wild ride that last week brought, without the program I am sure I would have been UP at least 3 pounds... so hey, that's a NET loss of 12 pounds! How's that for creative math?! Thanks so much, Wendi!!!

- Tami lost 9 pounds in a week!

You will first learn to eat slow. From the first day I will actually hypnotize you to really taste your food and enjoy every bite. You will be blown away when you really taste the food after this first session.

The most surprising thing was the energy - I thought I had lost it when I turned 50 - Nope! I want to lose weight so I made every effort to follow your instructions to the letter.

- Cathy 5 pounds less in only 7 days
The change was very easy--not only for eating but for other habits--like soda and gum--totally gone now. also, this was something that I will do every day now. Eating consciously--the hypnotism was great.

- Pat lost 6 pounds in one week
There is no quick fix. This program helps you change your habits one at a time for a gradual and complete change of your eating habits. I started to really enjoy healthy food I didn't feel hungry

- Joanne lost 8 pounds in only 7 days

When you experience day 2, where I teach your brain to feel full sooner, you will stop eating about half way through and feel totally satisfied!

If I could lose 5 pounds using only a part of the program, the results must have been amazing for those who participated fully. I definitely believe that! And I will be repeating it with all of the steps incorporated. In the meantime I will be going to sleep each night with Wendi's encouraging voice in my ears!

- Kate lost 5 pounds in just a few days
It is NEVER too late to begin again, no matter how many other times you've tried. The small, simple daily changes and info in Wendi's program are easy to follow for the 7 days, and after reinforcing them each night in your mind with hypnosis, you will feel confident that you can continue on with them to reach your goal. You feel so positive about doing good things for your body, and there is no struggle. You DO have the power to make the changes whenever you want. I could feel full after eating much less food than I was used to eating.

- Sandy lost 7 pounds the first week!
I felt motivated to get outdoors and MOVE: found myself walking on the beach after an eight-year absence. I Trust in you, Wendi & Effective Hypnosis Technique.

- Marie, lost 3 pounds in only 7 days

What if you start to crave veggies and fruits and completely lose your feelings about sugar, or carb cravings. What if it happens easily? How happy will you be!

Weight loss begins/continues/is effective only with changes in your thoughts. Without that element, success is transient and temporary; as you change your subconscious mind, you make weight loss automatic and permanent. I've lost 93 pounds with hypnosis, sensible eating and walking, and it's been nearly effortless and FUN.

- Cindy lost 3 pounds pounds in one week
The wake up with Wendi was fun and engaging, making the information shared more memorable. The MP3 sessions sealed the deal I felt happy rather than fearful or judgmental.

- Teresa lost 4 pounds this week
I didn't feel deprived. Eating healthier food actually FEELS good. It doesn't have to be hard and you don't have to deprive yourself. This program really works and is actually fun to do.

- Shelly lost 3 pounds this week

Seriously you have to stop the chemicals of stress. They are making food get stored as fat. Hypnosis, meditation and trance are the mind's fat burners. Your stress level drops during trance and meditation. Hypnosis is like the super hero of de-stressing!

There is never a time to give up. Wendi's system is amazing because it truly renews your self confidence that you can be responsible for yourself and your actions.....and that the biggest action is to love yourself! Wendi's overwhelming positive support, and that the changes actually felt natural.

- Amy lost 4 pounds in just a week
Wendi - it's not the weight loss that's hard... it's making the necessary changes so that I don't keep gaining all my weight back + another 30%. I've moved from a healthy, fit, toned [big boned gal] of 180lbs to 312 since I started dieting!! The weight comes off easily. It's the many facets of why I turn to food / abuse food resulting in my being fatter and fatter. That's why I answered above 'it's easy to lose weight'. It's the mind changes, behavioral changes, including trying to enjoy physical activity, and keeping the weight off that have been so darn hard. I plan to keep incorporating these new thoughts and behaviors into my daily life whether I lost weight or not, because the changes that I noticed were on so many levels. It's not about the scale - the results will show up in several facets of my life. It's also not about the food - it's about my relationship with food, my attitudes and beliefs about food, the emotional baggage I used to bring to the table or whatever food/drink I was ingesting. I was surprised how good some foods really taste and how little quantity of a food it takes to feel satisfied physically and emotionally.

- Fran
That I stuck with it..changing one thing a day made it easy. Something as simple as changing one thing a day, can change your life. it made it not overwhelming. we are in control! I had something to look forward to each day. New ideas I had never knew about before.

- Pierrette lost 4 pounds in one week

Just change one small thing a day. Do you think you could succeed if you only make one small change? That's the challenge and that is why my members love this program! One tiny, little, itty, bitty change each day.

Try it! It is amazing what making one small change a day can do! I eat more consciously now and only want to eat real foods. Wendi is really encouraging and inspiring. I made some dietary changes before the challenge but now I am dedicated to keeping live foods in my diet for my health and energy. I was just simply stunned that I was eating fruits and veggies....which is unheard of for me!

- Rebecca 5 pounds slimmer! in just a few days

On the veggie challenge day, combined with your morning hypnosis, you will taste the sweetness and freshness of the veggies. And when you do your veggie freak day, you will have energy.

The smoothie breakfast will make a believer. When you use my smoothie recipe for your breakfast, you will feel full and have an abundance of energy. Best thing ever!

For the next week,
we are offering Think Yourself Thin
at a 50% discount!!!

By ordering today you will receive as my gift to you The Appetite Zapper, The Brain Massage and the Junk Food Crusher- a $70 Value! .

Yes, Give me this bonus CD with my program.
Think thin online program $49
Appetite Zapper, Brain Massage and Junk Food Hypnosis sessions wirth $70

I Love this session... The Appetite Zapper is the best way to stop bad food cravings, start loving your veggies and find out what your brain can do.

If you are still fighting food cravings, let me have a few minutes to change everything. In less than 30 minutes, you will entirely change your cravings. You will let go of the bad foods, sugar, fast food, fried foods... and you will hardly believe how EASY it will be to choose nutritious foods.

Praise for this course:

About the instructor

Hypnotist Extraordinaire

Wendi Friesen

A worldwide leader in creating rapid change for life's difficult problems.Since 1994 has influenced the lives of millions worldwide and brought insight, wisdom and spiritual growth to people in need.Wendi is described by her colleagues as a powerful healer, teacher and a creative marketing expert, she is one of the most loved transformational trainers in the world.Wendi is on a mission to change the way the world treats addiction. The crisis of addiction is one she takes personally and her success in helping those who've lost hope is proof that she can change theminds, hearts and lives of addicts and their families.My MissionIt is remarkable what the mind can do when given the right stuff. My recorded programs use powerful therapy that rewires the neural pathways in the brain and results in amazing outcomes.I am committed to breaking new ground in the treatment of addiction. After numerous frustrating attempts to help my son with years of addiction, I created apowerful program that is based on the new science of how the brain can be changed through meditation, hypnosis, NLP and energetic methods.It is not enough to just end your addiction, it is about building a valuable and exciting life and restoring your heart and soul. Locking someone in a treatment center for 30 days and drivingthem to AA meetings does nothing to change the emotional, mental and physical destruction that an addict endures. Loving family members have few choices when seeking a treatment that creates deep and lasting change.I am training therapists, counselors and addiction centers to usepowerful methods that they can implement in their centers. It is time to open our eyes to the reality that most addiction treatment has less than a 10% success rate.It is time for a change.

Course Curriculum

  • 1

    Think Yourself Thin- Get Ready for a Big Change!

  • 2

    Think Yourself Thin- Day 1

  • 3

    Day 2

    • Day 2

    • BONUS- Junk Food Blaster- Hypnosis

    • Day 2- READ ME!!

    • Day 2- Hypnotherapy session

  • 4

    Day 3

    • Day 3- Video

    • Day 3- READ ME!!

    • Appetite Zapper Hypnosis

    • Day 3- Intro to Appetite Zapper

    • Day 3- Hypnotherapy


  • 5

    Day 4

    • Day 4- Video

    • Day 4- READ ME!

    • Stop Self Sabotage- Hypnotherapy

    • Day 4- Hypnotherapy

  • 6

    Day 5

    • Day 5- Video

    • Day 5- READ ME!

    • Love to Exercise

    • Day 5- Hypnotherapy

  • 7

    Day 6

    • Day 6- Video

    • Day 6-READ ME!

    • In Control, Hypnotherapy

    • Day 6- Hypnotherapy

  • 8

    Day 7

    • Day 7- Video

    • Day7- READ ME!

    • Day 7- Brain Massage- Live To Eat

    • Day 7- Brain Massage- Love To Move

    • Day 7- Hypnotherapy

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