"I wish I had a better memory"

Have you ever said that, or something similar? Have you ever read something, and just a short time later, can't remember what you read? Or what about names, have trouble remembering those?

What does struggling with memory cost you? Hours of study and still can't remember information for tests? Maybe it seems like you have to spend 10x as much time studying as other people. It can be very frustrating.

Hypnosis can help optimize your memory, because here is the truth. Unless there is some kind of organic issue, everyone, including YOU, has a perfect memory. We just don't use it as effectively as we can. That's where hypnosis comes in. It allows you to program your mind to allow that perfect memory to become used.

I have used hypnosis with learners all over the world to help them optimize their memory. With many years of experience in the academic performance field, I can guide you, through hypnosis, to utilizing your memory in the best way possible.

Not only will you gain better memory, you will do it in a relaxed, efficient manner. Imagine being able to study in half the time and STILL have total recall. That is what this program can do for you.

There is no need to wait for an appointment to work with me personally. You can begin optimizing your memory RIGHT NOW!

When I put this program together, many colleagues suggested I offer it for at least $495. After all, what is the value of having the recall to pass those important tests? Or easily learn the new material for your job? The value, of course, is much higher than even $495.

However, I want as many people as possible to benefit from this amazing program. So I decided to offer it for an investment of only $97.

Why wait? Why continue to struggle with memorization and recall? DON'T WAIT! Begin enjoying Total Recall today!

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About the instructor

John Soriano, MS, CH

John Soriano, MS, CH is an internationally known coach in the field of learning and optimal performance in learning situations. He is a certified hypnotist, as well as an NLP Master Practitioner and EFT Expert.

Course Curriculum

  • 1

    Total Recall

    • Part 1- How Memory Works and How Hypnosis Can Help Optimize It

    • Part 2- The Hypnosis Session For Optimizing Memory

    • Part 3- Recap and Some Useful Tips For Improving Memory

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